"if you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much room"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

swim time

Work is slowing down again. I am back to only doing 2-3 inspections a day and am usually done by 2pm. It's great being done early but with all the uncertainty with the buy out I worry that they will start cutting people. This past couple of weeks I have gotten 2 motorcycles, an RV and a semi truck to write estimates on. The problem is they do not provide me with the programs or the resource material I need to write the estimates. I asked my boss what was expected and her answer was to "do the best you can". What the he**!! I can't just make up prices and labor times to replace things on RV's and motorcycles! I have been lucky so far and had the 2 motorcycles moved to shops and they are writing the estimates and faxing them to me. The RV was just an awning and a vent so I was able to call the shop and get the information I needed. I have no idea what will happen when I get one that is more in depth. In the past they have assigned these out to independent appraisers who had the training and resources to write an accurate estimate. These cost money and they are just being cheap and dumping it on us car guys. The good thing is they can't complain when I screw one up since they have never offered me any training or guidance, I can always just tell them "I did my best".

Matthew showed up today around 1pm and I threw some steaks on the grille this evening. He works the night shift and was pretty tired by the time he got here. We had a nice meal and got caught up on all the happenings in his life. We decided to take a swim after supper. This is the first time we have been in the pool and Matthew and I enjoyed it, Rudee sat this one out saying the water was too cold. I didn't think it was too bad and we stayed in for 30 minutes or so. I don't really swim, mostly just bounce up and down like a huge fishing bobber, but it's fun all the same.

Niles rode up on his bike while we were "bobbing" and stopped to visit for a little while. He was trying out his repaired shoulder. Deb stayed home since this was his first ride since the surgery, she wants to wait until he is sure nothing is going to fall off before she hops on the back with him :-).

We are starting to get things packed up for our week long trip. We only have tomorrow and Thursday to work and then are leaving Friday. My plan is to stay off the interstate and travel the state roads all the way to Gatlinburg Tn. where we have 2 nights reserved, then we are planning on riding some of the Blue Ridge Parkway as we work our way back North. Matthew is spending the night tonight and will be leaving tomorrow afternoon sometime. We have our Goldwing dinner ride tomorrow night and then pack the bike up Thursday evening for the big departure on Friday morning!! I'll keep you posted.

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