Last Saturday we rode in a charity poker run. We met up with Mike and Penny Kadinger for breakfast and they followed us over to Old Mill Run Campground in Thorntown where the ride was originating. Steve and Trish have a camper parked there and were waiting for us when we got there.
We all registered, picked up our t-shirts, door prize tickets, map and drew our first cards. The money raised all goes to Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. Poker runs are pretty fun. They have a route planned out with stops along the way. You pick a card at each stop trying to build the best hand you can.
Back at the campground we checked in and drew our final 2 cards. Rudee finally paired up with Jacks but we figured (correctly) that others would have better cards.
They had a small meal and passed out the prizes. The winning hand was 3 of kind (10's) while 2nd and 3rd place each had 2 pair.
We did win some door prizes though. I got a nice hat and Rudee got 2 gift cards to the video store.
The best part of it all was spending the day with friends and helping out Riley Hospital.
Sunday was our youngest grand daughter's 4th birthday and Amanda invited us to their house for a party. Ryan cooked burgers on the grille and we all pitched in a dish. We had a great time watching Olivia open her presents and of course we had the traditional cake and ice cream too.
This is our last week of work before vacation. We are leaving Friday and caravaning with Ron and Terri Remley to Custer South Dakota. Niles and Deb left last Saturday, they arrived safely and report that the campground is great and told us to hurry our butts up :-).
So far we have slowly been getting things ready to roll. I have the awning, rug and chairs all put away. Rudee and I even washed the Freightliner before loading the Harley. I'm kind of ashamed to say that there was green mold on the sides of my truck! Yikes! I need to travel more!
I am hoping we can get some connectivity while we are away so I can post to the blog some. I guess next time you hear from me we will be "on the road". I'll keep you posted.
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