"if you are not living on the edge, you are taking up too much room"

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

plans taking shape

We have been considering where we want to go next and have been weighing our options for possible work locations for next year. I have sent out a few "feelers" and have received some great feedback from other experienced full timers. With that in mind we applied for a position with the Mount Rushmore Historical Society working in their bookstores at the monument. Yesterday afternoon we were offered a position for next year and accepted!
This will be a little different than working in a campground and we are looking forward to it, plus, we like the area and want to explore it some more. Sturgus here we come! :-)

We have also been investigating another opportunity that could lead to a more longer term commitment and provides a more stable income while still letting us travel. We are still in the "talking stage" of this but it may lead to something. We should know more in the coming weeks.

Work this past week has been pretty mundane. The campground was slow and there were very few "projects" to work on so our days were spent cleaning, picking up trash or the other 101 things needed to keep the campground rolling along.

We only have a matter of a few weeks left to work. Our last day will be Sept. 30 and then we will leave here and head north to prepare for our sons wedding on October 13th.
Hard to believe that the summer season will be winding down soon. I remember a few years ago having to start thinking about winterizing the camper. That was always a sad day, knowing it would be several months before our next outing :-(.
No more though! Now we can hook up and head for our next adventure :-). I'll keep you posted.


  1. The job at the Mount Rushmore Historical Society sounds pretty good.

  2. I saw that job and it sounded good too! We're still deciding where to WC next year as we are just getting started. Have apps out in CA a couple places. Good luck on your new experience.

  3. Mount Rushmore sounds like a good place to be especially with the bike. We wrap up our stay here in Oregon around the middle of Oct. This has been a great place for sightseeing! We have visited more places than most Oregonians! I describe Oregon as a place with a thousand shades of green. Views are unbelievable! This has been a great place for our first work camping job. We hope to be in Colorado next summer. We will be looking for something with half the hours and twice the time off. Hope we're able to take ride with you one day.

    1. Steve and Joan,

      Have enjoyed reading about your experiences in Oregon, Colorado sounds like it would be great too.
      Sign us up for the bike ride .... we're always ready to twist the throttle! :-)
